Does Your Website Need an Overhaul?

Get a Second Opinion for a Website Evaluation

Hi, I’m Jameela Adams, a website design and marketing consultant and founder of Jameela Adams at Your Service. When talking with prospective clients, I ask them if they have a website and, if so, whether they are looking to overhaul it or need a few tweaks. This is when I offer my website evaluation services.

Website Evaluation Process: Just a Few Tweaks or a Complete Overhaul?

When evaluating a prospective client’s website, I go in with an open mind and a clean slate. This means I have no expectations about their site’s appearance, so I go in with no judgment. Upon looking at their site, the first thing I noticed was their logo and its size. The second thing I noticed was how easy it is to maneuver their menu. I check to see if there are clear and defined tabs and drop-down menus.

The second thing I look for is cohesiveness. Do the fonts and colors match what they’re trying to project? Do their brand colors stand out? Are they inviting? Are they conflicting? The second thing I look for is the white space on the page. Is everything all jumbled together, or is it spread apart? Is it easy to read? The whole point is to inform your visitors about who you are and what you do. You want to ensure your website is inviting. You don’t want any distractions to make them want to leave your site.

Case in point: Are your colors too bright, and are your font colors too light? Do they keep your visitor’s attention? The font size can be too small, especially on a mobile phone. By using distracting fonts, you’ll find that people will not want to stay on your page. The goal is to make your page easy to use for your visitors and make them stay long enough to get to know you and possibly purchase your products or services.

Aesthetics Matter

Another thing I do regarding website evaluation is ensure the site is aesthetically pleasing. The whole point is to keep visitors on your site. That way, they can buy your products or services and learn about who you are. So, if you have a blog post, is it inviting enough for them to read it? Do you have videos for them to watch? I won’t go into great technical detail about videos about people’s sites, but let’s face it: sometimes, we would rather watch a video than read text.

Keep in mind that you want the visitor to have a unique experience.

When I evaluate a site, I see if you’re utilizing descriptive words telling visitors what you want them to learn about you. Also, I make sure that your site gives details about your products and services. If not, I suggest using a CTA button or a call-to-action button. A call-to-action button is exactly what it is: a call to act. Say you have a course with an eBook. Your goal is to have the visitor make a purchase. So, I would suggest the installation of a pop-up or a sales funnel. You can tell your visitor, “Take advantage of this limited-time opportunity.” Or this discount is only available for the next 5 minutes. This will move them to act, and you will have positively engaged your visitor.

This is the first step of completing a website evaluation that I perform to see if you need a complete overhaul or just a few tweaks. For more on this topic, stay tuned to step number two. 

Jameela Adams At Your Service is here to help you bring your Passion Project to Life. Jameela Adams is a passionate entrepreneur and business consultant.
who wants to help you succeed.

Check out her blog, the Problem & Solution Series, for tips and advice.

Also, check out The Jameela Adams Experience podcast every Friday. Jameela delves into a wide range of topics, including interviews with inspiring guests and personal stories that resonate with listeners.

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