photo of woman showing frustrations on her face

How to Identify SEO Scammers and Avoid Them

Photo by Yan Krukau on

Dealing with scammers who promise or claim to increase your visibility on YouTube by updating your SEO can be challenging and frustrating. How many times a week have you been bombarded with unsolicited offers about increasing your views and clicks?

For some of us in the consulting industry, it’s probably 2 to 3 times a week. But how can we identify and handle these scammers? Follow these steps, and they will point you in the right direction.

How to Identify SEO Scammers

First, be on guard for unsolicited messages, comments, and emails offering SEO services. They’re often making suspicious offers that appear too good to be true. Some will go as far as to screenshot your YouTube Channel account with a diagram of your subscription count and why you should use their services.

You’ll likely be hit with an unprofessional email with grammatical errors or an aggressive sales pitch. Some scammers will request sensitive information such as login credentials. Also, true SEO experts have an online presence with proven case studies and reviews.

Another way to handle scammers is to educate yourself on SEO basics and not rely on external offers. YouTube has a plethora of resources for creators. However, if you need help, look to a trusted service provider with a strong online presence and verifiable reviews.

Finally, protect your account with Two-Factor Authentication. Some unscrupulous people worldwide would try to hack your account and hijack your channel. For more information on how to recover your channel, click here.

Secure Your YouTube Channel

As mentioned, protecting your channel against hacks is very important. That’s why it’s imperative to have strong passwords and security reviews. Monitoring the comment section or messages can help guard against suspicious activity. Also, inform your audience about potential scams and encourage them to report them.

For more tips and ideas, check out The Jameela Adams Experience Podcast every Friday.

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